The Tampa Bay 600 Repeater

Located in Tampa, FL and open for use to any licensed GMRS operator. No permission required. Be respectful, helpful and practice good radio etiquette. Thanks for stopping by.

Radio Programming
Transmit Freq- 467.600 CTCSS(PL) Tone 131.8Hz
Receive Freq- 462.600 CTCSS(PL) Tone 131.8Hz

The Orlando 600 Repeater

Now on the air near downtown Orlando, FL! It is open to any licensed GMRS operator. No permission required. Recent signal reports have estimated coverage out to around 25-30 miles.

Radio Programming
Transmit Freq- 467.600 CTCSS(PL) Tone 100.0Hz
Receive Freq- 462.600 CTCSS(PL) Tone 100.0Hz

About Me

I’m a communications technician by trade and I really enjoy radio communications as a hobby. I am not a “purist” believing radio is supposed to be RF only (radio to radio), but a combination of that and leveraging current and emerging technologies to further the hobby. The RF only part is absolutely necessary to know and learn because the internet won’t always be available. This is where RF only will survive and be one of the few ways to communicate in an emergency situation and why it must be preserved. My GMRS call sign is WREM697. -73

About the Tampa Bay 600 Repeater

The repeater is a UHF range 2 Motorola Quantar. The quantar is rated for 110 watts output, but the F.C.C. regulates the GMRS service to 50 watts on repeaters, so that’s where mine is set.
The quantar has been around for decades and there are many, many still in service today. They work very well when maintained and cared for. It’s known as the workhorse of repeaters and I’m lucky to have one to share with the community.

The repeater, antenna and various other gear associated with it have been purchased or obtained by me. It does add up. There is also the time and energy to get it all installed and on air. I mention this not to complain or brag, but to raise awareness to what’s involved in owning and running a repeater. I am fortunate to be able to do it and I’m happy to make it available to licensed users. It’s my way of keeping the hobby alive. I hope you find it useful.

About the Orlando 600 Repeater

The repeater is an Icom FR4000-3 rated at 50 watts output. It’s using a Sinclair duplexer and a Laird base station antenna (460MHz-470MHz).


Both repeaters are connected to the GMRS Live Nationwide Radio Network through the Tampa Bay Radio Groups’ 1996 hub. That hub is connected to the GMRS Live Nationwide Chat on Node 700. These connections allow local users to talk over the repeater linked via the internet to other users all over the country. Get on the air and make contacts and friends from just about anywhere!