The Tampa Bay 600 Repeater
Located in Tampa, FL and open for use to any licensed GMRS operator. No permission required. Be respectful, helpful and practice good radio etiquette. Thanks for stopping by.
Radio Programming
Transmit Freq- 467.600 CTCSS(PL) Tone 131.8Hz
Receive Freq- 462.600 CTCSS(PL) Tone 131.8Hz
The Orlando 600 Repeater
Now on the air near downtown Orlando, FL! It is open to any licensed GMRS operator. No permission required. Recent signal reports have estimated coverage out to around 25-30 miles.
Radio Programming
Transmit Freq- 467.600 CTCSS(PL) Tone 100.0Hz
Receive Freq- 462.600 CTCSS(PL) Tone 100.0Hz